Friday, July 15, 2011

Writing at the Cafe

Tonight I wrote at the Cafe for about an hour. In that time, whilst listening to the comings and goings of the local patrons (unfortunately this included the giggling of teenaged excitement and longing for university life), I managed to finish the First Act to my novel-in-progress. My beverage of choice during this process was a Caffe Americano. It was, and still is, delicious.

With the First Act of the manuscript finished, I hope to begin and soon complete, the Second Act.

It took two months and fifteen days, two and a half months to the day, to finish the First Act. Will I get the whole manuscript finished by the end of the Summer as originally planned? Probably not even close.

But the bigger question remains: Is this Second Draft going to be readable and marketable? Will there actually be anyone that finds this story and my writing ability, such as it is, worth the time? I'd like to think that I write in my head first and that flows directly to the page in longhand (I never write digitally, it takes the fine art of sketching letterforms (Typography or perhaps better described in this case as Calligraphy) away and doesn't allow for the mind to fully concentrate solely on the story and the story's characters.

My feeling is that even though the writing plays well on the page, it might not have a tone that everyone will enjoy. It's magisterial and rather formal, perhaps even didactic at times. The protagonist is a war hero, a general, and a scholar. He's overseen massacres and naval battles. So he's seen and done a lot in his relatively short career, and he's paid the price for it.

I do believe that this current draft has added more depth to his past, the story that he's giving account for, and I think I've done it in a good way. The point in the First Act is to have a bit of fun with building the world the protagonist is familiar with, or rather revealing it to the reader as he experienced it. I hope it will be something accessible and yet something with depth.

This novel, as one of my friends might agree (if he ever should read it and find it a piece of art worth calling a work of literature), "Is not for the kids."


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Going to the Cinema for Harry Potter 7.2!!!!

I'm going to go to the cinema tonight for the midnight showing of "Harry Potter: The Deathly Hollows: Part 2," with the lads. By lads, I probably only mean Matt, but not sure. But the point is, I've never actually seen all of the Harry Potter films all the way through.

I have seen the fifth and sixth films, along with "The Deathly Hollows: Part 1," yet I've never seen the first four films, only bits and pieces of them.

The books were never something I enjoyed reading, really. I much prefer Tolkien to Rowling any day.

But I'm sure this film will be enjoyable to watch, since I can't say that I hated the Harry Potter films that I have seen.

Plus, I hear there is a trailer attached to the beginning of the film for "The Dark Knight Rises." I'm rather excited about that!


British Spiderman Bubble Butt

So the new Spiderman, one Andrew Garfield born in Los Angeles to a British mother from Essex (his family is Jewish) whose family later moved to Guildford when he was three years old, has a very nice bubble butt.

I'm looking forward to the new Spiderman film, mostly because I hated the idea of Peter Parker being cast as the stereotypical nerd and or geek. It's true, I suppose, that Peter Parker is that kind of person, yet not all of his portrayals in the comics placate to that mentality. MTV developed a fun little Spiderman show of only one or two seasons after the original Spiderman film in 2002 that had the perfect example of who Peter Parker is and also just how hot the character could have looked if a better choice of actor had been chosen.

But all that beside, now we have a new and incredible actor to play Spiderman who happens to have one of the sexiest butts in the cinema industry. I would like to now give his butt the new moniker of "Spider-butt." I've seen a few of his other films, like "The Social Network" and  "Never Let Me Go," and both of them were very well done pieces of cinema.

Having said all that, I'm looking forward to the new Spiderman!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Women's World Cup

The Women's World Cup (FIFA) is currently playing.

At the half, the U.S. had 1 goal to its credit with France at 0. This should be interesting to watch.

I love Football!!!!


The U.S. women's soccer team, including quarter-finals game tier Abby Wambach and goalie Hope Solo, plays France in the World Cup semifinals on Wednesday.

iPhone 5

I need the iPhone.

Currently, I have an LG Chocolate Touch, since at the time I got it, the iPhone wasn't on contract with Verizon.

But now the iPhone has arrived, and I have about 2 months left before I can join the rest of the civilized world in driving up Apple's stocks.

The iPhone 5 is most likely the version of the device that I'll get, but as I mentioned, it won't be available until somewhere around mid-October of 2011. The image to the left is a possible concept of the new iPhone that introduces 90 degree corners, along with a larger 4-inch touch screen.

In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy my Apple Macbook Pro!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

European Union Anthem

Dark Days in the Shire

Cape Girardeau: The Land that Time Forgot.

I hate this town. It's a small college town (the university is more akin to a high school than anything else - "If you blinked you'd miss it," sort of thing) stuck in between two bigger cities, each a couple hours away.

It also happens to be the bigot capital of the U.S., since it's the hometown of the crazy uber-conservative (is there any other kind of conservative these days?) Rush Limbaugh. This is a town to be avoided at all costs. Hopefully it will fall into the Mississippi River.

Monday, July 11, 2011

So here is my recent photog of my gym results. I need a personal trainer, though. I'm pretty sure I'm not very efficient at doing the exercises, but I try.

In any case, it's very hot outside today. Don't get me wrong, though, I prefer heat over cold any day. Yet I'm pretty sure temperatures like this are generally best suited for a laboratory or perhaps an oven.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Cousin's Wedding Day.

Today is my cousin Brooke's wedding day. I'll be leaving for that here in the next few minutes. Congratulations to her! It looks like it will be a beautiful day for it, although a little hot and humid. But that's what happens in Southeast Missouri. Which only reminds, yet again, how I need to leave this Region of the World.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Writing at the Cafe

Tonight, with nothing better to do, I went to the Cafe to work on my writing project. I had a Cafe Americano and it was delicious (and some dark chocolate). The manuscript is coming along just fine. It's somewhere around 1/3 complete, being near to the end of the First Act. Hopefully by the end of the year it will be done.

I also took the time to apply for a job with the University today. We shall see how that goes.

Anyway, off to bed now. Take care and good night!!!


The Script - For The First Time (HD Version)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

G'night Everyone!!!

I'm here at my Macbook Pro and it's getting late. But I thought I'd add another post before I drift off to sleepy. Actually, I'll probably just end up drawing in my sketchbook or writing, but probably both.




So, I've finally made a blog. We'll see if I can find something interesting to put on here.